Kickback Kingdom - Discord

Kickback Kingdom Business Plan

Executive Summary

Kickback Kingdom is a fully transparent community-driven platform that aims to bring people together to collaborate on projects and earn revenue. Our business model is to create a community of people who like to hang out or work together, and give them the opportunity to earn shares for their contributions. As the community grows and revenue is generated, these shares can earn crypto currency dividends, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem that benefits everyone involved.

Products and Services

Kickback Kingdom offers a variety of services to its members, including:

  • A platform for collaborative projects: Members can connect with each other and work on projects together, pooling their resources and expertise to achieve common goals.
  • A referral system: Members can invite others to join the community and earn rewards for doing so.
  • Regular community events: Members can participate in a range of activities and events organized by the community to keep them engaged and active.
  • Game development: We are currently developing three games - End of Empires, Twilight Racer, and L.I.C.H. - which members can participate in and contribute to.

Market Analysis

Our target market is the gaming community, specifically those who enjoy multiplayer games and are interested in collaborating with others. There is a growing trend towards community-driven gaming, with many players seeking out ways to connect with others and work on projects together. By offering a platform that facilitates this type of collaboration, we believe that we can tap into this market and provide a valuable service to our members.

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is focused on building brand awareness and attracting new members to the community. We will leverage a variety of channels to achieve this, including:

  • Social media: We will develop a strong social media presence on platforms like Twitter, Tik-Tok, Meta, and Discord to engage with our target audience and promote our services.
  • Influencer marketing: We will partner with popular gaming influencers to promote Kickback Kingdom and attract new members to the community.
  • Advertising: We will explore various advertising channels, such as Google AdWords and Meta Ads, to reach our target audience and drive traffic to our website.
  • Content marketing: We will create valuable content, such as blog posts and video tutorials, to attract visitors to our website and demonstrate our expertise in the gaming industry.

Financial Plan

Our financial plan includes the following:

  • Start-up costs: Approximately $15,000 for equipment, software, and other expenses related to getting the business up and running.
  • Operating costs: Approximately $1,000 per month to hosting fees, software, and other ongoing expenses.
  • Revenue: Our revenue is generated through a variety of sources, including sponsoring events, selling video games, selling video game assets and advertising.


Kickback Kingdom is a unique and innovative platform that offers a range of services to its members, including collaborative projects, regular community events, and game development. Our profit-sharing system creates a self-sustaining ecosystem that benefits everyone involved, and incentivizes members to continue contributing to the community.

By focusing on building a strong foundation, expanding the community, developing engaging content, and generating revenue through game sales and other sources, we believe that Kickback Kingdom can become a leading platform in the gaming industry.

We are excited about the potential of this business, and believe that our experienced team, innovative approach, and commitment to community building and revenue sharing will set us apart from other platforms in the market. We look forward to growing and evolving with our community, and to building a platform that delivers value to its members and to the wider gaming industry.