Kickback Kingdom - Discord

Grand Strategy

Goal: To cement Kickback Kingdom as a pioneering, community-driven gaming realm where members not only play but also collaborate, create, learn, and earn. Our objective is to cultivate a self-sustaining ecosystem where every gamer, creator, and enthusiast becomes a stakeholder, empowered to shape the Kingdom's future, from game development to community events. Through guilds and collaborative opportunities, we strive to recognize and reward every contribution, ensuring that the spirit of belonging, creation, and leadership thrives in every corner of the Kingdom.

  1. Develop Website & Automate Growth
    • Phase 1 - Planning: Define official features, plan out a roadmap timeline, write TOS and consult a lawyer
    • Phase 2 - Build & Test: Adopt Agile practices for development and engage the community for beta testing. Create social media accounts.
    • Phase 3 - Launch: Roll out the website and each guild
    • Phase 4 - Grow: Plan out quests/community events such as raffles and tournaments
    • Goal: Finished & released website and all legal questions answered
  2. Marketing Campaign for Adventurers' Guild
    • Run ads to garner new members for kickback kingdom website.
    • Create Marketing Materials
    • Goal: Kickback Kingdom is on auto pilot growth with paid ads and social media posts
  3. Create Revenue Generation
    • Offer premium assets on the Unity Asset Store. ~$1,000 USD/Monthly
    • Introduce a subscription model for the Merchants' Guild. ~$500 USD/Monthly
    • Design branded merchandise for sale
    • Crowdfunding initiatives.
    • Seek potential investors for financial backing.
    • Monetize engagement on Twitter. ~$500 USD/Monthly
    • Affiliate Marketing
    • Goal: Accumulate $2,000 USD a month passive income
  4. Hire First Steward
    • Create a job posting in the Stewards' Guild
    • Search within the Kingdom and out of the Kingdom for a person suitable to be a Marketing Manager in the Stewards' Guild
    • Goal: Obtain 1 Marketing Steward
  5. Develop Share Payout System
    • Develop a program to handle automatic payments of guild treasuries to the guild share holders in ADA
    • Goal: Fully automated payout system for guild shares
  6. Expand the Atlas System Lore
    • Detail the celestial bodies within the star system.
    • Shape major storylines and detail pivotal characters.
    • Develop and showcase visual art and designs.
    • Initiate a dedicated blog and wiki for lore documentation.
    • Goal: Published blog and wiki for the lore
  7. Develop Atlas System Game Engine
    • Phase 1 - Planning: Define essential engine capabilities.
    • Phase 2 - Development: Begin the foundational building of the engine, ensuring modular design for flexibility and scalability.
    • Phase 3 - Stepwise Building: Construct and validate engine components sequentially, ensuring each module integrates seamlessly with the core.
    • Phase 4 - Community Testing: Engage the community in testing phases, capturing real-world feedback and user experiences.
    • Phase 5 - Refinement and Bug Fixing: Utilize community feedback and the established bug reporting mechanism to enhance the engine and resolve issues.
    • Goal: Fully functioning game engine for our future games
  8. Develop and Release Twilight Racer
    • Chart a development schedule highlighting key deliverables.
    • Roll out beta versions to select community members for early feedback.
    • Finalize a sustainable monetization approach.
    • Organize marketing and promotional events.
    • Goal: Released Version of Twilight Racer
  9. Develop and Release End of Empires
    • Chart a development schedule highlighting key deliverables.
    • Roll out beta versions to select community members for early feedback.
    • Finalize a sustainable monetization approach.
    • Organize marketing and promotional events.
    • Goal: Released Version of End of Empires
  10. Release Kickback Kingdom Game Publishing
    • Release L.I.C.H. as first published game
    • Goal: Have a method for game studios to apply to be published by Kickback Kingdom
  11. Keep releasing new games in Atlas System
    • On going
