Thanks for joining and playing in the MTG Arena Grand Duel event! Massive props for entering even though you practically just learned how to play MTG and had to craft a deck out of limited cards.
LandoTheBarbarian COMMENDED daser937
on Jul 19, 2023
LandoTheBarbarian hails the tactical mastery of daser937, whose strategies have become the legends from which epics are born.
daser937 LOST a ranked match of Magic: The Gathering
on Jul 16, 2023
Though Magic: The Gathering's challenge bested daser937 today, the lessons learned light the way to victory's dawn.
daser937 LOST a ranked match of Magic: The Gathering
on Jul 16, 2023
The arena of Magic: The Gathering may tally a loss for daser937, but their spirit counts a lesson, a step towards inevitable victory.
daser937 LOST a ranked match of Magic: The Gathering
on Jul 16, 2023
daser937, tested by Magic: The Gathering, finds not failure but fuel, a burning drive to rise, learn, and conquer anew.
daser937 PARTICIPATED IN The Grand Duel - MTGA Standard
on Jul 16, 2023
Amidst the storm of The Grand Duel - MTGA Standard, daser937 stands unshaken, a testament to the enduring power of hope and heroism.
daser937 LOST in the The Grand Duel - MTGA Standard quest!
on Jul 16, 2023
The Grand Duel - MTGA Standard has taught daser937 that true strength lies not in winning, but in the courage to continue despite the odds.